Thursday 19 July 2012

Plain day w work -

It's Thursday! Just another day to weekends :D

Working w the gorgeous girls: Ariel, Cheryl & Jialing for today's Mount Faber SAFRA Event! Simple & easy jobscope, just usher & photo ops! *我們just一直拍照而已!*
There's two 30mins breaks in betwn while we're only working from 530pm-830pm, such nice & friendly client released us at 730pm from our break til knock off hehe!

T came & to fetch me for dinner @ Redhill w his clique, fall in love w dessert again! :D wahaha ate so much 肥死!! Zzzz

Had some argument w my Be'ISMJ due to JB trip, I really wna go in but I'm working today so many inconveniences etc. I was angry but I doubt I'll lay hands on her etc like how Hillary do so.. Cause i still love her as my bestf for so many years.
And thanks Brendan for the recommendations of Stamford Tyres for T's new baby Tyres! (: *appreciate much*

Enough of talkings, pictures then! Ciaos ~

SAFRA 40 - 12th SAFRA Awards & Anniversary Dinner

Shanel . Ariel . Cheryl . Jialing

Choose your dessert please? I choose No.33! :D


  1. LOL at the hillary thingi... HAHA!

    1. Aiya fuck care, summarize her story lo lol! Wa knn why my the timing is morning 8plus sia?! You see my post & your comment! Smtj? -.-
